What’s Wrong with this Picture?
January 24, 2012 - by
Someone ought to say a kind word about Ron Paul – after all, he may be the last of an almost extinct species in American public life: An honest politician.
A politician who doesn’t spin at all.
Ask Newt about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and he’ll tell you they paid him for his advice ‘as an historian.’ Ask Mitt Romney about ‘venture capitalism’ and he’ll make it sound like roses in bloom. But not Paul. Ask him about Iran and he’ll give you a straight answer even when he knows it may sink him.
And what reward has Paul reaped for his candor: He’s been called crazy-as-a-loon and unelectable.
It’s a hard kind of politics: Honest = crazy = unelectable.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted in General, National Republicans

What’s Wrong with this Picture?
January 24, 2012/

Someone ought to say a kind word about Ron Paul – after all, he may be the last of an almost extinct species in American public life: An honest politician.
A politician who doesn’t spin at all.
Ask Newt about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and he’ll tell you they paid him for his advice ‘as an historian.’ Ask Mitt Romney about ‘venture capitalism’ and he’ll make it sound like roses in bloom. But not Paul. Ask him about Iran and he’ll give you a straight answer even when he knows it may sink him.
And what reward has Paul reaped for his candor: He’s been called crazy-as-a-loon and unelectable.
It’s a hard kind of politics: Honest = crazy = unelectable.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted in General, National Republicans