What’s He Been Smoking?
March 7, 2012 - by
Paul Coble’s gone and done it again.
Just a few months ago Paul Coble was asking Joe Knott to support him for Congress. Now, treading water, Paul’s hit the panic button and called Joe Knott a wild-eyed liberal – because Joe’s supporting George Holding and not Paul.
Next, out of a clear blue sky, Paul up and called George Holding the “handpicked candidate of the liberal trial lawyers” – which is pretty ridiculous since George Holding indicted the most famous trial lawyer in the country – John Edwards.
When I saw Paul Coble’s first attack I thought, He’s just making this stuff up.
Now I’m wondering, What’s he been smoking?

What’s He Been Smoking?
March 7, 2012/

Paul Coble’s gone and done it again.
Just a few months ago Paul Coble was asking Joe Knott to support him for Congress. Now, treading water, Paul’s hit the panic button and called Joe Knott a wild-eyed liberal – because Joe’s supporting George Holding and not Paul.
Next, out of a clear blue sky, Paul up and called George Holding the “handpicked candidate of the liberal trial lawyers” – which is pretty ridiculous since George Holding indicted the most famous trial lawyer in the country – John Edwards.
When I saw Paul Coble’s first attack I thought, He’s just making this stuff up.
Now I’m wondering, What’s he been smoking?