What would Mister Rogers do?
You knew there was something just a little too good about Fred Rogers, didn’t you? Now all is revealed, thanks to a new documentary. Brace yourself:
Mister Rogers was a lifelong Republican.
That’s about it. Otherwise, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” shows him to have been just as kind, wise and decent in real life as he was on the show that captivated – and reassured – young children for decades.
So what would Mister Rogers say today? What would he have said last week about Trump’s callous, calculated cruelty toward little children whose parents are trying to save them from murderous gangs in their homelands?
What would Mister Rogers say about the First Lady’s coat that proclaimed she doesn’t care – about something, what it is ain’t exactly clear.
What would Misters Rogers say about Trump himself? Probably it would be something sympathetic about whatever childhood trauma Trump’s father inflicted that makes him drag his loyal followers, and all of us, into his mean, malignant nightmare.
We don’t have to go there. We can go to Mister Rogers’s neighborhood.
For more Mister Rogers, read this extraordinary 1998 profile by Tom Junod, “Can You Say…Hero?”

What would Mister Rogers do?

You knew there was something just a little too good about Fred Rogers, didn’t you? Now all is revealed, thanks to a new documentary. Brace yourself:
Mister Rogers was a lifelong Republican.
That’s about it. Otherwise, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” shows him to have been just as kind, wise and decent in real life as he was on the show that captivated – and reassured – young children for decades.
So what would Mister Rogers say today? What would he have said last week about Trump’s callous, calculated cruelty toward little children whose parents are trying to save them from murderous gangs in their homelands?
What would Mister Rogers say about the First Lady’s coat that proclaimed she doesn’t care – about something, what it is ain’t exactly clear.
What would Misters Rogers say about Trump himself? Probably it would be something sympathetic about whatever childhood trauma Trump’s father inflicted that makes him drag his loyal followers, and all of us, into his mean, malignant nightmare.
We don’t have to go there. We can go to Mister Rogers’s neighborhood.
For more Mister Rogers, read this extraordinary 1998 profile by Tom Junod, “Can You Say…Hero?”