What I Missed
June 13, 2011 - by
Here’s what I gleaned from two days of catching up with the news of the past two weeks:
John Edwards got indicted. And promptly dug himself a deeper hole by jumping in front of the cameras.
The aptly named Anthony Weiner imploded online. Newt Gingrich imploded at sea. (“Imploded” may be to 2012 what “narrative” was to 2008.)
The Republican legislature and five Democrats pushed through a budget that will spread ruination, job losses, ignorance and pollution throughout North Carolina.
Governor Perdue found a veto stamp as big as she is.
The Republicans showed striking skill and savvy by passing the budget. Then Speaker Thom “Tin-Ear” Tillis showed stunning stupidity by doling out fat raises for his staff.
After years of investigating John Edwards and Mike Easley, U.S. Attorney George “Inspector Javert” Holding wants to get into their line of work.
President Obama is coming to town.
Great stuff. And we have 17 months of political intrigue, combat and stupidity to look forward to.
Is this a great country, or what?

What I Missed
June 13, 2011/

Here’s what I gleaned from two days of catching up with the news of the past two weeks:
John Edwards got indicted. And promptly dug himself a deeper hole by jumping in front of the cameras.
The aptly named Anthony Weiner imploded online. Newt Gingrich imploded at sea. (“Imploded” may be to 2012 what “narrative” was to 2008.)
The Republican legislature and five Democrats pushed through a budget that will spread ruination, job losses, ignorance and pollution throughout North Carolina.
Governor Perdue found a veto stamp as big as she is.
The Republicans showed striking skill and savvy by passing the budget. Then Speaker Thom “Tin-Ear” Tillis showed stunning stupidity by doling out fat raises for his staff.
After years of investigating John Edwards and Mike Easley, U.S. Attorney George “Inspector Javert” Holding wants to get into their line of work.
President Obama is coming to town.
Great stuff. And we have 17 months of political intrigue, combat and stupidity to look forward to.
Is this a great country, or what?