What Do They See?
August 29, 2012 - by
Political junkies like me and you pay attention to what convention speakers say. We get into the issues, the rhetoric, the charges, claims and counterclaims. But that’s not what matters.
Voters watch conventions for what they say about the candidates and the party. They watch it like just another TV show, and they look at the candidates and speakers as just more characters on TV.
That’s not superficial. It’s actually a very deep and searching judgment: Do I like this person – or these people? Do I feel comfortable with them in my life? Do I trust them?
That’s the ultimate measure of whether the Republican convention is a success – or a disaster that would have been better off if Isaac had hit Tampa.
Did Ann Romney make Mitt seem warm or likable? Or did people just think: “Rich”?
Was Chris Christie warm and personable? Or just mean and angry?
My hunch: Rich, mean and angry.
Posted in General, National Republicans

What Do They See?
August 29, 2012/

Political junkies like me and you pay attention to what convention speakers say. We get into the issues, the rhetoric, the charges, claims and counterclaims. But that’s not what matters.
Voters watch conventions for what they say about the candidates and the party. They watch it like just another TV show, and they look at the candidates and speakers as just more characters on TV.
That’s not superficial. It’s actually a very deep and searching judgment: Do I like this person – or these people? Do I feel comfortable with them in my life? Do I trust them?
That’s the ultimate measure of whether the Republican convention is a success – or a disaster that would have been better off if Isaac had hit Tampa.
Did Ann Romney make Mitt seem warm or likable? Or did people just think: “Rich”?
Was Chris Christie warm and personable? Or just mean and angry?
My hunch: Rich, mean and angry.
Posted in General, National Republicans