Welcome to Raleigh!
February 5, 2013 - by
Governor McCrory is learning that it’s easier to run for office than run an administration. And message discipline is easier in a campaign. Especially when the legislature is in town.
McCrory wants his message to be jobs. But he sidetracked himself last week by picking a fight over the value of college education.
Monday, the headlines were about some mysterious trouble at the Capitol Police. This morning, the headlines were about the jobless – not about getting them jobs, but about the legislature cutting unemployment benefits. And about the legislature stiff-arming McCrory on Medicaid and health care.
Today the headlines are about Senate Republicans’ political power grab to take over the Utilities Commission, Environmental Management Commission, Coastal Resources Commission, Lottery Commission and Wildlife Resources Commission and abolish the Charter School Advisory Committee, Lottery Oversight Commission, Turnpike Authority, and Board of Correction.
They even tried to add two justices to the State Supreme Court.
(They might check their history. See “Court Packing – Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1937.”)
No wonder the Governor’s communications director left a six-figure job to go back to Tennessee. And his new press aide may be yearning for the calm, peaceful days she spent on Capitol Hill.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

Welcome to Raleigh!
February 5, 2013/

Governor McCrory is learning that it’s easier to run for office than run an administration. And message discipline is easier in a campaign. Especially when the legislature is in town.
McCrory wants his message to be jobs. But he sidetracked himself last week by picking a fight over the value of college education.
Monday, the headlines were about some mysterious trouble at the Capitol Police. This morning, the headlines were about the jobless – not about getting them jobs, but about the legislature cutting unemployment benefits. And about the legislature stiff-arming McCrory on Medicaid and health care.
Today the headlines are about Senate Republicans’ political power grab to take over the Utilities Commission, Environmental Management Commission, Coastal Resources Commission, Lottery Commission and Wildlife Resources Commission and abolish the Charter School Advisory Committee, Lottery Oversight Commission, Turnpike Authority, and Board of Correction.
They even tried to add two justices to the State Supreme Court.
(They might check their history. See “Court Packing – Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1937.”)
No wonder the Governor’s communications director left a six-figure job to go back to Tennessee. And his new press aide may be yearning for the calm, peaceful days she spent on Capitol Hill.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans