Weak as Water
How do you figure it? Obama’s sending fifty soldiers to Iraq to whip ISIS. Fifty soldiers.
We’re at war with the craziest bunch of mean-eyed terrorists anyone’s laid eyes on since Genghis Khan rolled out of Mongolia – and 50,000 soldiers might scare them. But fifty? Colonel Travis had more men than that at the Alamo.
Weak as water’s not going to whip ISIS. As they used to say back in the days when Americans fought wars to win, It’s time for Obama to get tough – or get out of the way.

Weak as Water

How do you figure it? Obama’s sending fifty soldiers to Iraq to whip ISIS. Fifty soldiers.
We’re at war with the craziest bunch of mean-eyed terrorists anyone’s laid eyes on since Genghis Khan rolled out of Mongolia – and 50,000 soldiers might scare them. But fifty? Colonel Travis had more men than that at the Alamo.
Weak as water’s not going to whip ISIS. As they used to say back in the days when Americans fought wars to win, It’s time for Obama to get tough – or get out of the way.