Was Reagan ‘Whining’?

A reader commented that it would be “whining” for Obama to blame Republicans for the country’s economic mess, as I had suggested.
Question: Was Ronald Reagan “whining” all those years?
Through the 1984 campaign – four years after he unseated Jimmy Carter – Reagan’s basic message was that he inherited a mess, it would take time to dig out and “why would we want to go back?”
If that’s whining, Obama needs to do more of it.
If I was in charge of message at the White House, every speech would start with that whine.
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Gary Pearce



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Was Reagan ‘Whining’?

A reader commented that it would be “whining” for Obama to blame Republicans for the country’s economic mess, as I had suggested.
Question: Was Ronald Reagan “whining” all those years?
Through the 1984 campaign – four years after he unseated Jimmy Carter – Reagan’s basic message was that he inherited a mess, it would take time to dig out and “why would we want to go back?”
If that’s whining, Obama needs to do more of it.
If I was in charge of message at the White House, every speech would start with that whine.
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Gary Pearce

