War on Teachers Update
August 16, 2013 - by
Governor McCrory believes it’s OK to pay a beginning teacher $25,000, but $65,000 isn’t enough for a 24-year-old state government appointee who worked in McCrory’s campaign. So he got a raise to $87,500.
That’s three times what a starting teacher gets in North Carolina.
Another campaign staffer got a $23,000 raise to $85,000, reports the AP’s Michael Biesecker. Biesecker’s story has a link where you can see other 20-somethings making $50,000, $60,000 and $70,000 on the taxpayers’ backs.
I have nothing against campaign workers in their 20s getting good state jobs that pay well. I did myself long, long ago.
But this comes on top of McCrory signing a state budget giving teachers – and other state employees, like mental-health workers and state troopers – no raises. It’s on top of North Carolina falling behind every other state in teacher pay. And it’s on top of the contempt and disrespect the Governor and the legislature routinely show for teachers.
Doesn’t anybody around McCrory see how bad this looks? You’d think somebody is getting paid enough to.
And do Democrats see what a juicy, easily understandable political target McCrory has given them?

War on Teachers Update
August 16, 2013/

Governor McCrory believes it’s OK to pay a beginning teacher $25,000, but $65,000 isn’t enough for a 24-year-old state government appointee who worked in McCrory’s campaign. So he got a raise to $87,500.
That’s three times what a starting teacher gets in North Carolina.
Another campaign staffer got a $23,000 raise to $85,000, reports the AP’s Michael Biesecker. Biesecker’s story has a link where you can see other 20-somethings making $50,000, $60,000 and $70,000 on the taxpayers’ backs.
I have nothing against campaign workers in their 20s getting good state jobs that pay well. I did myself long, long ago.
But this comes on top of McCrory signing a state budget giving teachers – and other state employees, like mental-health workers and state troopers – no raises. It’s on top of North Carolina falling behind every other state in teacher pay. And it’s on top of the contempt and disrespect the Governor and the legislature routinely show for teachers.
Doesn’t anybody around McCrory see how bad this looks? You’d think somebody is getting paid enough to.
And do Democrats see what a juicy, easily understandable political target McCrory has given them?