Walter Jones
Whether or not you agree with Congressman Walter Jones you have to admit he has a rare trait among politicians. There are many elected officials who are clever, intelligent or articulate – but there are not many whose courage matches their other skills.
Congressman Jones have has stood up and disagreed with his own President, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State about how the United States can best win the war on terrorism.
Today, the debate on the war in
Congressman Jones, in his own way, is looking for the question. He has asked for a full Congressional Debate on the war. And he is asking if Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, showed poor judgment as regards the war – poor judgment which may have included giving Congress inaccurate information.
I guess the point is, if you’re the Secretary of Defense and you advocate starting a war – you’d better have the judgment to win it.
Congressman Jones is not saying the war on terrorism is wrong. But he is saying is how we have fought it may have turned out to be wrong. He is asking who is responsible and he wants Congress to debate this issue.
These questions are important. The war on terrorism is not going to disappear, it is not going away – whether we pull stay in
Congressman Jones is one of the few legislators raising those questions and he wants Congress to debate them. You, hopefully, don’t have to agree with him to concur that debate is important and the sooner it happens the better.

Walter Jones

Whether or not you agree with Congressman Walter Jones you have to admit he has a rare trait among politicians. There are many elected officials who are clever, intelligent or articulate – but there are not many whose courage matches their other skills.
Congressman Jones have has stood up and disagreed with his own President, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State about how the United States can best win the war on terrorism.
Today, the debate on the war in
Congressman Jones, in his own way, is looking for the question. He has asked for a full Congressional Debate on the war. And he is asking if Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, showed poor judgment as regards the war – poor judgment which may have included giving Congress inaccurate information.
I guess the point is, if you’re the Secretary of Defense and you advocate starting a war – you’d better have the judgment to win it.
Congressman Jones is not saying the war on terrorism is wrong. But he is saying is how we have fought it may have turned out to be wrong. He is asking who is responsible and he wants Congress to debate this issue.
These questions are important. The war on terrorism is not going to disappear, it is not going away – whether we pull stay in
Congressman Jones is one of the few legislators raising those questions and he wants Congress to debate them. You, hopefully, don’t have to agree with him to concur that debate is important and the sooner it happens the better.