The first story I read said Democrats in Congress struck ‘so help me God’ from a key House Committee oath.
The second story told how a legislator ended a prayer in the State House by saying, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ’ – and asked, Will more diverse members change who they pray to?
A third story asked, How many African-Americans were lynched in North Carolina? – then compared lynchings a century ago to police officers’ “excessive use of force against black suspects” today.
A fourth story had the Dean of Duke University’s Medical School apologizing because a professor asked Chinese students to speak English.
In the newspapers the world looks wacky but bear in mind on their websites newspapers get paid for clicks and wackier gets the most clicks – so, maybe, the world around us isn’t as wacky as the morning newspapers.


The first story I read said Democrats in Congress struck ‘so help me God’ from a key House Committee oath.
The second story told how a legislator ended a prayer in the State House by saying, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ’ – and asked, Will more diverse members change who they pray to?
A third story asked, How many African-Americans were lynched in North Carolina? – then compared lynchings a century ago to police officers’ “excessive use of force against black suspects” today.
A fourth story had the Dean of Duke University’s Medical School apologizing because a professor asked Chinese students to speak English.
In the newspapers the world looks wacky but bear in mind on their websites newspapers get paid for clicks and wackier gets the most clicks – so, maybe, the world around us isn’t as wacky as the morning newspapers.