Vote NO
March 30, 2012 - by
Public Policy Polling has found that people are confused about the marriage amendment: “Oh, it covers civil unions, too?” Plus, it’s so badly worded it could end up hurting widowed seniors and even victims of domestic abuse.
Let’s simplify this message. Just tell people to vote NO.
A no vote is always easier to get than a yes vote. You only need one reason to vote no, even if you have 100 reasons to vote yes.
A simple campaign will work best: “Vote AGAINST the marriage amendment.”
A bit of a head fake might even work with conservative voters: “Vote AGAINST the gay-marriage amendment.”
Posted in Issues

Vote NO
March 30, 2012/

Public Policy Polling has found that people are confused about the marriage amendment: “Oh, it covers civil unions, too?” Plus, it’s so badly worded it could end up hurting widowed seniors and even victims of domestic abuse.
Let’s simplify this message. Just tell people to vote NO.
A no vote is always easier to get than a yes vote. You only need one reason to vote no, even if you have 100 reasons to vote yes.
A simple campaign will work best: “Vote AGAINST the marriage amendment.”
A bit of a head fake might even work with conservative voters: “Vote AGAINST the gay-marriage amendment.”
Posted in Issues