Trump’s on the way back to the White House, the MAGA movement’s more powerful than ever – so is it about to Make America Great Again?
Back in 1776 the 13 colonies had next to no power – while Great Britain, an empire, was a superpower.
Four days after the Declaration of Independence passed, George Washington warned his soldiers, “The blessing and protection of Heaven are necessary” – he added “to the distinguished character of patriot let us add the more distinguished character of Christian.”
Thirty-seven years later, looking back, John Adams wrote Thomas Jefferson: “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence…were the general principles of Christianity.”
Washington and Adams both put their faith in God’s strength – not their own.
Today, America’s a superpower. Pride whispers we have the strength to move mountains, people nod, and the humility, and faith, of Washington and Adams is all but forgotten.
So does MAGA have the power to Make America Great Again? Or did vanity just rear its head?


Trump’s on the way back to the White House, the MAGA movement’s more powerful than ever – so is it about to Make America Great Again?
Back in 1776 the 13 colonies had next to no power – while Great Britain, an empire, was a superpower.
Four days after the Declaration of Independence passed, George Washington warned his soldiers, “The blessing and protection of Heaven are necessary” – he added “to the distinguished character of patriot let us add the more distinguished character of Christian.”
Thirty-seven years later, looking back, John Adams wrote Thomas Jefferson: “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence…were the general principles of Christianity.”
Washington and Adams both put their faith in God’s strength – not their own.
Today, America’s a superpower. Pride whispers we have the strength to move mountains, people nod, and the humility, and faith, of Washington and Adams is all but forgotten.
So does MAGA have the power to Make America Great Again? Or did vanity just rear its head?