Ups and Downs
March 14, 2011 - by
UPS – The Governor’s up for somehow convincing House and Senate Republican leaders to attack her for juggling the state’s books to send out $300 million in tax refunds.
The Republicans are up for raiding (or trying to raid because they failed) the Governor’s Golden Leaf pork-barrel fund to use the money to pay down the deficit.
The Democrats in the legislature are up for sustaining two of the Governor’s vetoes in one day – which ought to be a lesson in either humility or caution to the Republicans.
DOWNS – The Republicans in the Senate voted to make negligence in Emergency Rooms legal (which makes seventy percent of the voters unhappy) and House Republicans got caught stacking the new Obama-care health panels not with doctors but with what looks suspiciously like allies of Blue Cross. House Republicans also voted a bill out of Committee to make it legal to carry concealed weapons in restaurants (carrying your Beretta to dinner may be a right but it’s also just plain bad manners).
POLLS – Republicans scored because voters favor spending cuts over tax increases.
But, then, Governor Perdue (after waffling) scored because voters turned out to overwhelmingly approve (60%) of the Governor’s plan to extend the sales tax increase instead of letting it sunset (which Republicans prefer).

Ups and Downs
March 14, 2011/

UPS – The Governor’s up for somehow convincing House and Senate Republican leaders to attack her for juggling the state’s books to send out $300 million in tax refunds.
The Republicans are up for raiding (or trying to raid because they failed) the Governor’s Golden Leaf pork-barrel fund to use the money to pay down the deficit.
The Democrats in the legislature are up for sustaining two of the Governor’s vetoes in one day – which ought to be a lesson in either humility or caution to the Republicans.
DOWNS – The Republicans in the Senate voted to make negligence in Emergency Rooms legal (which makes seventy percent of the voters unhappy) and House Republicans got caught stacking the new Obama-care health panels not with doctors but with what looks suspiciously like allies of Blue Cross. House Republicans also voted a bill out of Committee to make it legal to carry concealed weapons in restaurants (carrying your Beretta to dinner may be a right but it’s also just plain bad manners).
POLLS – Republicans scored because voters favor spending cuts over tax increases.
But, then, Governor Perdue (after waffling) scored because voters turned out to overwhelmingly approve (60%) of the Governor’s plan to extend the sales tax increase instead of letting it sunset (which Republicans prefer).