Donald Trump’s been called every name in the book: Braggart, con-man, bully. But no one’s called him a flip-flopper. The Donald speaks his mind and sticks to his guns.
Then an odd thing happened.
First Trump refused to endorse Paul Ryan, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte – which promptly ignited a firestorm up in Washington. The Republican Establishment lit into Trump.
And, then, we saw something we’d never seen before.
The Donald climbed up on a podium, praised Ryan, Ayotte, and McCain and endorsed all three.
The Donald had flip-flopped.
But then in the next breath he sat down his speech and the old Donald reappeared.
Hillary, Trump said, is pretty close to unhinged.


Donald Trump’s been called every name in the book: Braggart, con-man, bully. But no one’s called him a flip-flopper. The Donald speaks his mind and sticks to his guns.
Then an odd thing happened.
First Trump refused to endorse Paul Ryan, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte – which promptly ignited a firestorm up in Washington. The Republican Establishment lit into Trump.
And, then, we saw something we’d never seen before.
The Donald climbed up on a podium, praised Ryan, Ayotte, and McCain and endorsed all three.
The Donald had flip-flopped.
But then in the next breath he sat down his speech and the old Donald reappeared.
Hillary, Trump said, is pretty close to unhinged.