Un-Audited Billions
The Department of Transportation spends billions, but, in the last three years, its team of nine internal auditors has only produced “one complete report and eight memo’s or letters.” (Charlotte Observer; 10-13-06).
The DOT’s chief auditor told investigators that “his staff spent most of 2003 on training and did not produce any new reports after that because his office decided to wait until (2006) and start anew.” He added most of his staff’s time had been spent on “special projects,” but he couldn’t provide any documentation.
The Governor’s response, instead of his usual ‘I didn’t know’ was a resounding: No comment. His spokesman says his staff hasn’t reviewed the report. Now, the DOT’s a pretty big agency. Wouldn’t one audit in three years merit a bit of concern from the Governor? Or his staff?
In addition, a report issued by State Auditor Les Merritt says other state agencies and colleges, with total budgets of 5.85 billion dollars, don’t have even a single internal auditor. You can’t help but wonder what new scandals a few audits of that $6 billion might turn up.

Un-Audited Billions

The Department of Transportation spends billions, but, in the last three years, its team of nine internal auditors has only produced “one complete report and eight memo’s or letters.” (Charlotte Observer; 10-13-06).
The DOT’s chief auditor told investigators that “his staff spent most of 2003 on training and did not produce any new reports after that because his office decided to wait until (2006) and start anew.” He added most of his staff’s time had been spent on “special projects,” but he couldn’t provide any documentation.
The Governor’s response, instead of his usual ‘I didn’t know’ was a resounding: No comment. His spokesman says his staff hasn’t reviewed the report. Now, the DOT’s a pretty big agency. Wouldn’t one audit in three years merit a bit of concern from the Governor? Or his staff?
In addition, a report issued by State Auditor Les Merritt says other state agencies and colleges, with total budgets of 5.85 billion dollars, don’t have even a single internal auditor. You can’t help but wonder what new scandals a few audits of that $6 billion might turn up.