Two Headlines
January 4, 2012 - by
Newspaper headline: ‘Santorum strategy pays off.’
New York Times synopsis: Rick Santorum reached the top in Iowa with a savvy strategy – by relying on his own instincts he succeeded with no polls, no speechwriter, and skeletal advertising.
That’s one explanation. Of course, there’s another.
Headline: Lightning strikes Santorum.
Synopsis: After his campaign floundered for a year, after trying to match Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich and failing each time, at the 11th hour lightning struck Rick Santorum.
It’s a great story – what happened yesterday to Rick Santorum – but it’s not a tale of political savvy and finely honed instincts – it’s a story of manna falling from heaven. Through no effort of his own the stars aligned, the non-Romney voters ran out of choices, and this morning Rick Santorum is on his way to New Hampshire with the wind in his sails.

Two Headlines
January 4, 2012/

Newspaper headline: ‘Santorum strategy pays off.’
New York Times synopsis: Rick Santorum reached the top in Iowa with a savvy strategy – by relying on his own instincts he succeeded with no polls, no speechwriter, and skeletal advertising.
That’s one explanation. Of course, there’s another.
Headline: Lightning strikes Santorum.
Synopsis: After his campaign floundered for a year, after trying to match Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich and failing each time, at the 11th hour lightning struck Rick Santorum.
It’s a great story – what happened yesterday to Rick Santorum – but it’s not a tale of political savvy and finely honed instincts – it’s a story of manna falling from heaven. Through no effort of his own the stars aligned, the non-Romney voters ran out of choices, and this morning Rick Santorum is on his way to New Hampshire with the wind in his sails.