Time to Pull Over

A frustrated TAPster vents at both parties:
“The ‘check engine’ light is flashing on the dashboard of North Carolina politics, and a quick look under the hood shows the problem is more than a bad tank of gas.
“We are emerging (hopefully) from a generation of incompetent political leaders. Governor Perdue’s mindless comparison to Mississippi, Speaker Tillis’s inept management of his sex-craved staff, the NC Democratic Party’s self-immolation over the weekend and the succession of convicted and accused criminals have created a political world where there simply is no leadership. It’s all about political convenience and ease, not what’s good for the state. There’s some hope with Pat McCrory, Walter Dalton and others, but it will require political bravery and fundamental competence that is missing from today’s battlefield.
“That bravery is needed because we have three major political parties: crazy right, crazy left and the well-populated but largely ignored moderate middle. And, the loud message from voters who ousted Indiana’s Richard Lugar and Granville County’s Jim Crawford is that any conversation with the other party, any attempt to collaborate or any movement towards moderation means political death for the miscreant.
“Nothing happens when weak leaders are pulled to the fringes by an intolerant and hostile voting public, and plenty needs to happen.”
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Gary Pearce



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Time to Pull Over

A frustrated TAPster vents at both parties:
“The ‘check engine’ light is flashing on the dashboard of North Carolina politics, and a quick look under the hood shows the problem is more than a bad tank of gas.
“We are emerging (hopefully) from a generation of incompetent political leaders. Governor Perdue’s mindless comparison to Mississippi, Speaker Tillis’s inept management of his sex-craved staff, the NC Democratic Party’s self-immolation over the weekend and the succession of convicted and accused criminals have created a political world where there simply is no leadership. It’s all about political convenience and ease, not what’s good for the state. There’s some hope with Pat McCrory, Walter Dalton and others, but it will require political bravery and fundamental competence that is missing from today’s battlefield.
“That bravery is needed because we have three major political parties: crazy right, crazy left and the well-populated but largely ignored moderate middle. And, the loud message from voters who ousted Indiana’s Richard Lugar and Granville County’s Jim Crawford is that any conversation with the other party, any attempt to collaborate or any movement towards moderation means political death for the miscreant.
“Nothing happens when weak leaders are pulled to the fringes by an intolerant and hostile voting public, and plenty needs to happen.”
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Gary Pearce

