Time for Plan B?
In politics as in football, speed kills – the other guy. Today we see a dramatic example of how fast modern presidential campaigns have to move.
Word is that four BIG states –
That means the race may not be over in January – after
That means John Edwards – and other underdogs – may face a very different scenario from what they anticipated.
And the real primary may be this year: the money primary.
For years, conventional strategic doctrine has been that candidates who win the early states catch a wave of publicity and momentum that their opponents never overcome. That happened in 2000 and 2004.
But that first wave may crash on the rocks of four big – and expensive – states in February in 2008.
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Time for Plan B?

In politics as in football, speed kills – the other guy. Today we see a dramatic example of how fast modern presidential campaigns have to move.
Word is that four BIG states –
That means the race may not be over in January – after
That means John Edwards – and other underdogs – may face a very different scenario from what they anticipated.
And the real primary may be this year: the money primary.
For years, conventional strategic doctrine has been that candidates who win the early states catch a wave of publicity and momentum that their opponents never overcome. That happened in 2000 and 2004.
But that first wave may crash on the rocks of four big – and expensive – states in February in 2008.
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