May 26, 2011 - by
Last election President Barack Obama won huge majorities among ‘early voters’so, naturally, now Republicans want less ‘early voting.’
Of course, no self-respecting legislator is going to put it quite that bluntly.
Representative Bert Jones is an example. He told the press he’s for limiting early voting because it will ‘shorten campaigns.’
Think about that: Governor Perdue, Pat McCrory, President Obama and half a dozen Republican candidates for President are all already working on campaigns – are we to believe they’ll stop now Jones has passed his bill?
It’s nearly impossible to find a politician in either party who’s able to resist the temptation of tampering with elections by tilting the playing field in his favor. It’s also nearly impossible to find one who’ll admit it.

May 26, 2011/

Last election President Barack Obama won huge majorities among ‘early voters’so, naturally, now Republicans want less ‘early voting.’
Of course, no self-respecting legislator is going to put it quite that bluntly.
Representative Bert Jones is an example. He told the press he’s for limiting early voting because it will ‘shorten campaigns.’
Think about that: Governor Perdue, Pat McCrory, President Obama and half a dozen Republican candidates for President are all already working on campaigns – are we to believe they’ll stop now Jones has passed his bill?
It’s nearly impossible to find a politician in either party who’s able to resist the temptation of tampering with elections by tilting the playing field in his favor. It’s also nearly impossible to find one who’ll admit it.