Tiger and Toyota PR
February 24, 2010 - by
PR types like to speculate about what they would advise Toyota and Tiger Woods to do in their times of trouble. (Imagine the fees!)
For all the ridicule and criticism, I think Tiger made a good first step in his televised mea culpa.
But Toyota still can’t get it right.
The myth is that you can do something magic in situations like these that will make the problem go away.
Afraid not.
Both Tiger and Toyota are just beginning a long, hard road. It will take them months or years to repair the damage. And they may never get all the way back.
They are both in a no-spin zone. No amount of PR will solve their problems. Only real change – and the difficult process of persuading people they have changed – will work.
But Tiger did well in his first public statement.
Critics say he was robotic. Well, he is robotic. That’s how he plays golf. And he approached his appearance the same way he approaches each golf shot.
They say he was rehearsed. Like you’d walk into that situation and wing it.
But he did the one thing he had to do: Confess his sins and apologize.
He hit bottom. Now he can work his way up.
Posted in General

Tiger and Toyota PR
February 24, 2010/

PR types like to speculate about what they would advise Toyota and Tiger Woods to do in their times of trouble. (Imagine the fees!)
For all the ridicule and criticism, I think Tiger made a good first step in his televised mea culpa.
But Toyota still can’t get it right.
The myth is that you can do something magic in situations like these that will make the problem go away.
Afraid not.
Both Tiger and Toyota are just beginning a long, hard road. It will take them months or years to repair the damage. And they may never get all the way back.
They are both in a no-spin zone. No amount of PR will solve their problems. Only real change – and the difficult process of persuading people they have changed – will work.
But Tiger did well in his first public statement.
Critics say he was robotic. Well, he is robotic. That’s how he plays golf. And he approached his appearance the same way he approaches each golf shot.
They say he was rehearsed. Like you’d walk into that situation and wing it.
But he did the one thing he had to do: Confess his sins and apologize.
He hit bottom. Now he can work his way up.
Posted in General