Tiger and the Rags
November 30, 2009 - by
Readers of The National Enquirer knew from the beginning what readers and viewers of ESPN, the networks, The News & Observer, The New York Times and all other major media didn’t know until well after Tiger Woods made one of his worst drives ever.
Last week, The Enquirer reported that Tiger had been – as they say – “involved” with another woman.
Once again, the mainstream media had to decide whether to repeat “tabloid trash,” as John Edwards once called it.
Well, The Enquirer turned out to be accurate about Edwards. Why not trust it on Tiger?
A footnote: Enquiring golf minds want to know what club Mrs. Woods used to “free” her husband.
A five- or six-iron sounds right for the job.
Posted in General
Tiger and the Rags
November 30, 2009/
Readers of The National Enquirer knew from the beginning what readers and viewers of ESPN, the networks, The News & Observer, The New York Times and all other major media didn’t know until well after Tiger Woods made one of his worst drives ever.
Last week, The Enquirer reported that Tiger had been – as they say – “involved” with another woman.
Once again, the mainstream media had to decide whether to repeat “tabloid trash,” as John Edwards once called it.
Well, The Enquirer turned out to be accurate about Edwards. Why not trust it on Tiger?
A footnote: Enquiring golf minds want to know what club Mrs. Woods used to “free” her husband.
A five- or six-iron sounds right for the job.
Posted in General