Those Darned Bush-Bashers
President Bush and his coterie are notoriously dismissive of people who question them.
So here is a news quiz taken from separate stories in Wednesday’s New York Times:
(a) What political figure said that– contrary to the President’s claims – Bush’s Medicaid drug plan has experienced startup problems?
(b) What political figure said that – contrary to claims by the President and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld – American troop levels might have to be increased in Iraq to deal with the sectarian killings?
The answers:
(a) President Bush himself.
(b) Secretary Rumsfeld himself.
You could look it up, as Yogi Berra says.

Those Darned Bush-Bashers

President Bush and his coterie are notoriously dismissive of people who question them.
So here is a news quiz taken from separate stories in Wednesday’s New York Times:
(a) What political figure said that– contrary to the President’s claims – Bush’s Medicaid drug plan has experienced startup problems?
(b) What political figure said that – contrary to claims by the President and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld – American troop levels might have to be increased in Iraq to deal with the sectarian killings?
The answers:
(a) President Bush himself.
(b) Secretary Rumsfeld himself.
You could look it up, as Yogi Berra says.