Thom’s Not Their Cup of Tea
October 6, 2014 - by
Thom Tillis is getting the worst of both worlds. The Tea Party doesn’t think he’s one of them, and voters think he’s too close to the Tea Party.
The right-leaning Washington Times quoted one Wilkes County Tea Party leader, Joe Greene: “He’s an establishment Republican. That’s why I’m opposed to him. A lot of people feel the way I do and won’t vote for him. He’s got a lot of things about him that’s not grass roots.”
Greene, by the way, is part of a group called the “Conservative Patriots Of Wilkes Empowering the Republic” (CPOWER).
Tillis has more boardroom about him than grassroots. Unfortunately for him in the Senate race, he presided over a House that has led North Carolina in the Tea Party’s direction the last two years.
Which may be why he had Rand Paul here for him last week, though it’s not clear whether Rand is a Tea Party favorite, either.
An old political adage comes to mind here: If you’re still securing your base in October, you’re losing.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

Thom’s Not Their Cup of Tea
October 6, 2014/

Thom Tillis is getting the worst of both worlds. The Tea Party doesn’t think he’s one of them, and voters think he’s too close to the Tea Party.
The right-leaning Washington Times quoted one Wilkes County Tea Party leader, Joe Greene: “He’s an establishment Republican. That’s why I’m opposed to him. A lot of people feel the way I do and won’t vote for him. He’s got a lot of things about him that’s not grass roots.”
Greene, by the way, is part of a group called the “Conservative Patriots Of Wilkes Empowering the Republic” (CPOWER).
Tillis has more boardroom about him than grassroots. Unfortunately for him in the Senate race, he presided over a House that has led North Carolina in the Tea Party’s direction the last two years.
Which may be why he had Rand Paul here for him last week, though it’s not clear whether Rand is a Tea Party favorite, either.
An old political adage comes to mind here: If you’re still securing your base in October, you’re losing.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans