This Just In…
September 17, 2012 - by
A TAPster takes an admitted “cheap shot” at the N&O:
“In the middle of a game-changing election season, the newspaper’s Sunday edition underscored its irrelevance by living in the past.
“It ran an exhausting front-page rehash of a 40-year-old murder mystery and dragged former columnist Dennis Rogers from retirement to add his dusty perspective. And there was more tiresome history on the editorial page with Steve Ford’s tedious column about a 150-year-old Civil War battle that occurred in another state.
“It’s impossible to comprehend why the N&O’s editors think this stuff is interesting or important in today’s world. Their editorial tin ear is simply hastening their own demise.”

This Just In…
September 17, 2012/

A TAPster takes an admitted “cheap shot” at the N&O:
“In the middle of a game-changing election season, the newspaper’s Sunday edition underscored its irrelevance by living in the past.
“It ran an exhausting front-page rehash of a 40-year-old murder mystery and dragged former columnist Dennis Rogers from retirement to add his dusty perspective. And there was more tiresome history on the editorial page with Steve Ford’s tedious column about a 150-year-old Civil War battle that occurred in another state.
“It’s impossible to comprehend why the N&O’s editors think this stuff is interesting or important in today’s world. Their editorial tin ear is simply hastening their own demise.”