This Is It?
October 5, 2011 - by
Jilted by Chris Christie, the Republican search for Ronald Reagan Redux goes on.
You know things are bad when Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich are rising in the polls.
Already, Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry have soared – and then plummeted. But they distinguished themselves by performing a feat no one thought possible: making Sarah Palin look smart.
And much-despised Mitt Romney just keeps plodding ahead.
You know what the problem is? These candidates just aren’t very good.
Put ideology aside. (As if.) Compare the Republican flock to the 2008 Democratic candidates – in terms of experience, intelligence and gravitas. The Democrats had Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden and John Edwards. Well…never mind. The Republicans have all those listed above, plus Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and Rick Santorum.
So this is it, America. Here are your choices. I bet Obama will start looking a lot better soon.

This Is It?
October 5, 2011/

Jilted by Chris Christie, the Republican search for Ronald Reagan Redux goes on.
You know things are bad when Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich are rising in the polls.
Already, Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry have soared – and then plummeted. But they distinguished themselves by performing a feat no one thought possible: making Sarah Palin look smart.
And much-despised Mitt Romney just keeps plodding ahead.
You know what the problem is? These candidates just aren’t very good.
Put ideology aside. (As if.) Compare the Republican flock to the 2008 Democratic candidates – in terms of experience, intelligence and gravitas. The Democrats had Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden and John Edwards. Well…never mind. The Republicans have all those listed above, plus Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and Rick Santorum.
So this is it, America. Here are your choices. I bet Obama will start looking a lot better soon.