The Winners
June 27, 2011 - by
A friend asked who the winners were in the legislature: Governor Perdue or the Republicans?
My answer: both.
Thanks to the legislature, Perdue got herself back in the reelection game. By taking on the legislature and wielding some big vetoes, she put some steel into what had been her mushy public image.
But the Republicans won, too. They passed their budget, and they did what they had promised: cut spending and the size of government.
Now, the question is: Who was right?
Did the Republicans cut too much? Will voters conclude that public education has been irrevocably damaged? Or will they decide that the Governor and the Democrats overstated their case?
As all fine newspaper editorials conclude, time will tell.

The Winners
June 27, 2011/

A friend asked who the winners were in the legislature: Governor Perdue or the Republicans?
My answer: both.
Thanks to the legislature, Perdue got herself back in the reelection game. By taking on the legislature and wielding some big vetoes, she put some steel into what had been her mushy public image.
But the Republicans won, too. They passed their budget, and they did what they had promised: cut spending and the size of government.
Now, the question is: Who was right?
Did the Republicans cut too much? Will voters conclude that public education has been irrevocably damaged? Or will they decide that the Governor and the Democrats overstated their case?
As all fine newspaper editorials conclude, time will tell.