The Tillis Retirement Home
April 6, 2011 - by
Here’s an interesting tip from a TAPster:
“Has anybody noticed that the cozy corner office of the NC Speaker of the House has become a retirement home for wayward ex-legislators? At last count, the Speaker has three of the lost souls on his staff. Charles Thomas and Bill Daughtridge were recently joined by Bruce Goforth, who was ousted by Asheville voters in a primary last year. After his rejection at the polls, Goforth quit before his term expired to triumphantly launch a lobbying career, a career which prematurely crumbled when the GOP took control of the House and the market evaporated for former Democratic legislators-turned-lobbyists.
“In return for cashing a state paycheck, Goforth brings to the corner office the unique perspective of a fed-up Democrat who switched his voter registration to unaffiliated so he can work for the Republican speaker.
“But, seriously, who needs that perspective? Who’s gonna listen to a former Democrat working for a Republican speaker who would’ve been a lobbyist except that didn’t work out? It’s totally unclear what value he can bring to the speaker, who’s already surrounded by so many political ‘experts’ that he probably can’t think straight.
“Even more puzzling, the Tillis Home for Boys includes Apex mayor Keith Weatherly, who has opened a city hall annex in the speaker’s suite, where he has his own office and – inexplicably – access to the floor of the House, a privilege typically reserved for House members and key staff.
“At this rate, Tillis will need to add school trailers on the front lawn of the legislative building to house his burgeoning entourage.
“Bottom line: Speaker Tillis is smarter than this. At a time of unprecedented budget problems, he should keep the House focused on what he and his colleagues were elected to do: fix the economy and create jobs – but not for so many current and former elected officials.”

The Tillis Retirement Home
April 6, 2011/

Here’s an interesting tip from a TAPster:
“Has anybody noticed that the cozy corner office of the NC Speaker of the House has become a retirement home for wayward ex-legislators? At last count, the Speaker has three of the lost souls on his staff. Charles Thomas and Bill Daughtridge were recently joined by Bruce Goforth, who was ousted by Asheville voters in a primary last year. After his rejection at the polls, Goforth quit before his term expired to triumphantly launch a lobbying career, a career which prematurely crumbled when the GOP took control of the House and the market evaporated for former Democratic legislators-turned-lobbyists.
“In return for cashing a state paycheck, Goforth brings to the corner office the unique perspective of a fed-up Democrat who switched his voter registration to unaffiliated so he can work for the Republican speaker.
“But, seriously, who needs that perspective? Who’s gonna listen to a former Democrat working for a Republican speaker who would’ve been a lobbyist except that didn’t work out? It’s totally unclear what value he can bring to the speaker, who’s already surrounded by so many political ‘experts’ that he probably can’t think straight.
“Even more puzzling, the Tillis Home for Boys includes Apex mayor Keith Weatherly, who has opened a city hall annex in the speaker’s suite, where he has his own office and – inexplicably – access to the floor of the House, a privilege typically reserved for House members and key staff.
“At this rate, Tillis will need to add school trailers on the front lawn of the legislative building to house his burgeoning entourage.
“Bottom line: Speaker Tillis is smarter than this. At a time of unprecedented budget problems, he should keep the House focused on what he and his colleagues were elected to do: fix the economy and create jobs – but not for so many current and former elected officials.”