The Third World
September 7, 2012 - by
Bill Clinton teed the ball up and drew a laser-beam-line from the ball to the target for President Obama but then Obama walked right past tee, ball and target to make a speech with the same old same old litany of promises ending with promises of hope.
This election there’re three different ‘worlds’ in our politics: Obama voters (mostly Democrats), anti-Obama voters (mostly Republicans) and Swing Voters (almost entirely Independents).
Which world was Obama talking to?
It wasn’t swing voters – right now, they have bigger issues on their minds than solar energy, higher mileage standards and global warming.
Last night Obama sailed right past the Independents and, instead, talked to the people in the convention hall (who were already voting for him). He was at ease attacking Romney, at ease singing to the choir, but it was as if he were oblivious to what Bill Clinton had done the night before – it was like he couldn’t comprehend (or talk to) the voters in the third world.

The Third World
September 7, 2012/

Bill Clinton teed the ball up and drew a laser-beam-line from the ball to the target for President Obama but then Obama walked right past tee, ball and target to make a speech with the same old same old litany of promises ending with promises of hope.
This election there’re three different ‘worlds’ in our politics: Obama voters (mostly Democrats), anti-Obama voters (mostly Republicans) and Swing Voters (almost entirely Independents).
Which world was Obama talking to?
It wasn’t swing voters – right now, they have bigger issues on their minds than solar energy, higher mileage standards and global warming.
Last night Obama sailed right past the Independents and, instead, talked to the people in the convention hall (who were already voting for him). He was at ease attacking Romney, at ease singing to the choir, but it was as if he were oblivious to what Bill Clinton had done the night before – it was like he couldn’t comprehend (or talk to) the voters in the third world.