The Third Man
Fearless and unfettered by creeds, mocking his foes, he tweeted New Year’s greetings to “my many enemies who have fought me and lost so badly.”
His vanity boundless he loves talking about himself, boasting, ‘Great meeting…packed house…long standing ovations.’
When he speaks one man sees a Deliverer while another sees a devil; one roars he’s the champion of the forgotten man and the other howls he’s lying through his teeth while a third man, watching for the next piece of the puzzle to fall into place, wonders where his country will be when it ends.

The Third Man

Fearless and unfettered by creeds, mocking his foes, he tweeted New Year’s greetings to “my many enemies who have fought me and lost so badly.”
His vanity boundless he loves talking about himself, boasting, ‘Great meeting…packed house…long standing ovations.’
When he speaks one man sees a Deliverer while another sees a devil; one roars he’s the champion of the forgotten man and the other howls he’s lying through his teeth while a third man, watching for the next piece of the puzzle to fall into place, wonders where his country will be when it ends.