The Tequila Junket
Last month the newspapers reported Governor Easley’s state ABC Board Chairman taking a junket to
Fox says the trips are tough work, telling the Observer, “You’re working from eight until ten o’clock at night or later…You’re meeting with people from the Mayor of Guadalajara to the city council, people from the tequila industry.” Now that’s an image to savor. Our ABC Chairman discussing tequila with the Mayor of
Fox, an attorney, is paid $103,000 by the state. He says of his work as ABC Chairman, “It’s a job that is 24-7.” But, the Observer also reported Fox “still does real estate work at his law practice.” Apparently, on weekends.
What is Governor Easley doing about all this? Not much. His spokesperson defended Fox, saying, “The state ethics board staff did not believe the
Governor, if the Chairman of the ABC Board accepting junkets to
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The Tequila Junket

Last month the newspapers reported Governor Easley’s state ABC Board Chairman taking a junket to
Fox says the trips are tough work, telling the Observer, “You’re working from eight until ten o’clock at night or later…You’re meeting with people from the Mayor of Guadalajara to the city council, people from the tequila industry.” Now that’s an image to savor. Our ABC Chairman discussing tequila with the Mayor of
Fox, an attorney, is paid $103,000 by the state. He says of his work as ABC Chairman, “It’s a job that is 24-7.” But, the Observer also reported Fox “still does real estate work at his law practice.” Apparently, on weekends.
What is Governor Easley doing about all this? Not much. His spokesperson defended Fox, saying, “The state ethics board staff did not believe the
Governor, if the Chairman of the ABC Board accepting junkets to
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