The Stalker
Last night Donald Trump looked like a stalker, one of those sexual predators Republicans are so concerned about, except when he’s their nominee for President.
After hearing his boys-on-the-bus “locker room talk,” we weren’t shocked by anything he said. The lying, rudeness and interrupting were familiar.
What was new was what he did. Pacing. Sniffing. Looming creepily over Clinton.
You wanted to yell at her, like at a horror movie, “Look out! He’s right behind you!”
She made it through unmolested, physically if not politically. It’s a testament to her stamina. And temperament.
Trump’s behavior brought to mind what a young woman executive here, a political moderate, said about him even before the infamous tape surfaced: “He’s just mean.”

The Stalker

Last night Donald Trump looked like a stalker, one of those sexual predators Republicans are so concerned about, except when he’s their nominee for President.
After hearing his boys-on-the-bus “locker room talk,” we weren’t shocked by anything he said. The lying, rudeness and interrupting were familiar.
What was new was what he did. Pacing. Sniffing. Looming creepily over Clinton.
You wanted to yell at her, like at a horror movie, “Look out! He’s right behind you!”
She made it through unmolested, physically if not politically. It’s a testament to her stamina. And temperament.
Trump’s behavior brought to mind what a young woman executive here, a political moderate, said about him even before the infamous tape surfaced: “He’s just mean.”