The Second Most Watched Race…
July 12, 2012 - by
The most watched campaign in North Carolina this fall will be the Presidential race but the second most watched race may not be the Governor’s race – it may be the race between Paul Newby and Sam Ervin for the lone Supreme Court seat.
The way Republicans see it, sooner or later, the Democrats’ lawsuit to throw out their new State House and Senate districts is going to end up in the State Supreme Court and, if that happens next year, either Paul Newby (Republican) or Sam Ervin (Democrat) will cast the deciding vote.
So, if Newby wins, Republicans in the House and Senate keep their districts and, the way they see it, control of the legislature for the next decade. The Democrats have figured out the same thing in reverse – Ervin winning and throwing out those Republican districts may be their last hope of winning the State House or Senate for years.
So every one of North Carolina’s one hundred and seventy state legislators’ eyes are riveted on one race – and the Super PACs are forming. Republicans already have an elect Newby Super PAC and the Democrats can’t be far behind.

The Second Most Watched Race…
July 12, 2012/

The most watched campaign in North Carolina this fall will be the Presidential race but the second most watched race may not be the Governor’s race – it may be the race between Paul Newby and Sam Ervin for the lone Supreme Court seat.
The way Republicans see it, sooner or later, the Democrats’ lawsuit to throw out their new State House and Senate districts is going to end up in the State Supreme Court and, if that happens next year, either Paul Newby (Republican) or Sam Ervin (Democrat) will cast the deciding vote.
So, if Newby wins, Republicans in the House and Senate keep their districts and, the way they see it, control of the legislature for the next decade. The Democrats have figured out the same thing in reverse – Ervin winning and throwing out those Republican districts may be their last hope of winning the State House or Senate for years.
So every one of North Carolina’s one hundred and seventy state legislators’ eyes are riveted on one race – and the Super PACs are forming. Republicans already have an elect Newby Super PAC and the Democrats can’t be far behind.