The Right Enemies
December 14, 2010 - by
Things are looking up for President Obama.
First, he’s going to get a win. Congress will pass the tax cut/stimulus bill he worked out with Republicans.
Even better for him, congressional Democrats – who had become a political anchor around the President’s neck – are mad about the bill.
And how can you call Obama a socialist when Congress’ only real socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders, filibusters with rage against the bill?
Now comes another political gift: a Republican federal judge rules unconstitutional the requirement that every American buy health insurance.
Surely this is a fight Obama wants. He wants any fight that focuses on a specific part of health-care reform rather than an ill-defined monster called “Obamacare.”
Do Republicans who oppose the health-insurance mandate also think it’s unconstitutional to make every driver buy car insurance? If you get hit by a driver who doesn’t have insurance, you pay. And that’s what happens when people who don’t have health insurance go to the hospital: You pay.
And Obama has a big ally on the mandate issue: the insurance industry.

The Right Enemies
December 14, 2010/

Things are looking up for President Obama.
First, he’s going to get a win. Congress will pass the tax cut/stimulus bill he worked out with Republicans.
Even better for him, congressional Democrats – who had become a political anchor around the President’s neck – are mad about the bill.
And how can you call Obama a socialist when Congress’ only real socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders, filibusters with rage against the bill?
Now comes another political gift: a Republican federal judge rules unconstitutional the requirement that every American buy health insurance.
Surely this is a fight Obama wants. He wants any fight that focuses on a specific part of health-care reform rather than an ill-defined monster called “Obamacare.”
Do Republicans who oppose the health-insurance mandate also think it’s unconstitutional to make every driver buy car insurance? If you get hit by a driver who doesn’t have insurance, you pay. And that’s what happens when people who don’t have health insurance go to the hospital: You pay.
And Obama has a big ally on the mandate issue: the insurance industry.