The Race Card, 2006 Version
No matter what school bond issue faces Wake County voters this year, here is an issue I promise will come: illegal immigration.
You can see the Republican pollsters salivating right now.
Advance word is that one of the key issues President Bush will address in his State of the Union speech will be illegal immigration.,
Senator Richard Burr used it to beat Erskine Bowles in 2004.
And the right-wing talk network around here is already buzzing about illegal immigrants in the schools – the cost of students who can’t speak English and the like.
One little-known fact: Not all Democrats are sympathetic to immigrants. In fact, Democratic polls have shown that the most anti-immigrant opinions are held by the most pro-Democratic voters: African-Americans.

The Race Card, 2006 Version

No matter what school bond issue faces Wake County voters this year, here is an issue I promise will come: illegal immigration.
You can see the Republican pollsters salivating right now.
Advance word is that one of the key issues President Bush will address in his State of the Union speech will be illegal immigration.,
Senator Richard Burr used it to beat Erskine Bowles in 2004.
And the right-wing talk network around here is already buzzing about illegal immigrants in the schools – the cost of students who can’t speak English and the like.
One little-known fact: Not all Democrats are sympathetic to immigrants. In fact, Democratic polls have shown that the most anti-immigrant opinions are held by the most pro-Democratic voters: African-Americans.