The “Pryor Punch”
February 23, 2011 - by
Last week, a reader – clearly crazed by alcohol or the legislature, or both – suggested a new cocktail named for the Governor: the “Bevtini.” (See Gov on Ice, below.)
Now he submits a libation in honor of intense, energetic, often frenetic Rep. Pryor Gibson, who is leaving the House to work for Perdue:
The “Pryor Punch”:
40 gals of Red Bull chugged in 5 minutes
A splash of Anson County creek water
Constantly swirl
Only drink a portion of what you make, then abruptly switch to a Bevtini.
I have challenged this reader to dedicate himself to proposing a drink for all 170 members of the legislature – and any other deserving Capitol target.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

The “Pryor Punch”
February 23, 2011/

Last week, a reader – clearly crazed by alcohol or the legislature, or both – suggested a new cocktail named for the Governor: the “Bevtini.” (See Gov on Ice, below.)
Now he submits a libation in honor of intense, energetic, often frenetic Rep. Pryor Gibson, who is leaving the House to work for Perdue:
The “Pryor Punch”:
40 gals of Red Bull chugged in 5 minutes
A splash of Anson County creek water
Constantly swirl
Only drink a portion of what you make, then abruptly switch to a Bevtini.
I have challenged this reader to dedicate himself to proposing a drink for all 170 members of the legislature – and any other deserving Capitol target.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats