The Power of Prosecutors
“Plamegate” in Washington and “Deckergate” in Raleigh make me wonder about the political power of federal prosecutors.
For years, Democrats took great glee over the investigation into who outed CIA agent Valerie Plame. Especially when it looked like Karl Rove would be the ultimate victim.
Just as North Carolina Republicans take great glee over the ongoing investigation surrounding Speaker Jim Black.
But Plamegate had a decidedly disappointing denouement for Democrats.
It turned out Rove hadn’t done it. Richard Armitage had.
Then it turned out the federal prosecutor had known that fact for years – even before he started his investigation.
Something’s wrong with that picture.
Now, I have no idea what the prosecutor persecuting – excuse me, prosecuting – Deckergate knows or will do.
But – whether you’re a Democrat or Republican – there’s something scary about the full law enforcement power of the federal government bearing down on a politically sensitive case.
Especially when most federal prosecutors seem to be career politicians on the make.
Here’s a solution: Pass a law prohibiting former prosecutors from ever holding another political office.

The Power of Prosecutors

“Plamegate” in Washington and “Deckergate” in Raleigh make me wonder about the political power of federal prosecutors.
For years, Democrats took great glee over the investigation into who outed CIA agent Valerie Plame. Especially when it looked like Karl Rove would be the ultimate victim.
Just as North Carolina Republicans take great glee over the ongoing investigation surrounding Speaker Jim Black.
But Plamegate had a decidedly disappointing denouement for Democrats.
It turned out Rove hadn’t done it. Richard Armitage had.
Then it turned out the federal prosecutor had known that fact for years – even before he started his investigation.
Something’s wrong with that picture.
Now, I have no idea what the prosecutor persecuting – excuse me, prosecuting – Deckergate knows or will do.
But – whether you’re a Democrat or Republican – there’s something scary about the full law enforcement power of the federal government bearing down on a politically sensitive case.
Especially when most federal prosecutors seem to be career politicians on the make.
Here’s a solution: Pass a law prohibiting former prosecutors from ever holding another political office.