The Pot Calls the Kettle Black
John Edwards is always exhorting Democrats to have more courage. To stand up for their convictions. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently came to
“My challenge to your former senator,” Gingrich said, “Who is running around the country prattling about ending poverty is simple: Take on the teacher’s union…. I’d be delighted to come back down and have a dialogue with Senator Edwards about how to truly help the poor.” (The News and Observer, 6-29-06).
How does Edwards feel about debating his convictions?
No way, his spokeswoman said. She added: “People worried about feeding their children don’t need politicians shooting their mouths off at partisan political events who didn’t do anything significant about poverty when they had the chance.”
That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Mr. Edwards has been shooting his mouth off about poverty at partisan political forums for two years. And who can remember Senator Edwards, during his six years in the Senate, sponsoring a single ‘significant’ bill about poverty?

The Pot Calls the Kettle Black

John Edwards is always exhorting Democrats to have more courage. To stand up for their convictions. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently came to
“My challenge to your former senator,” Gingrich said, “Who is running around the country prattling about ending poverty is simple: Take on the teacher’s union…. I’d be delighted to come back down and have a dialogue with Senator Edwards about how to truly help the poor.” (The News and Observer, 6-29-06).
How does Edwards feel about debating his convictions?
No way, his spokeswoman said. She added: “People worried about feeding their children don’t need politicians shooting their mouths off at partisan political events who didn’t do anything significant about poverty when they had the chance.”
That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Mr. Edwards has been shooting his mouth off about poverty at partisan political forums for two years. And who can remember Senator Edwards, during his six years in the Senate, sponsoring a single ‘significant’ bill about poverty?