The Pot and the Kettle
February 23, 2010 - by
Senator Richard Burr wins this week’s hypocrisy award hands down.
Formally entering his race for reelection, Burr said something needs to be done to break the “gridlock” in Congress.
This, mind you, is the same man who has dutifully followed his party’s lead in gridlocking budget reform, health-care reform and anything else that comes down the Senate pike.
He tried to gridlock the jobs bill this week, but several Republicans – including new poster-boy Scott Brown – broke ranks.
In a Republican-trending year, the only way to beat Burr will be to run a hard-hitting negative campaign: “He’s part of the problem in Washington .”
P.S. And remember that he voted for the bailout.
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The Pot and the Kettle
February 23, 2010/

Senator Richard Burr wins this week’s hypocrisy award hands down.
Formally entering his race for reelection, Burr said something needs to be done to break the “gridlock” in Congress.
This, mind you, is the same man who has dutifully followed his party’s lead in gridlocking budget reform, health-care reform and anything else that comes down the Senate pike.
He tried to gridlock the jobs bill this week, but several Republicans – including new poster-boy Scott Brown – broke ranks.
In a Republican-trending year, the only way to beat Burr will be to run a hard-hitting negative campaign: “He’s part of the problem in Washington .”
P.S. And remember that he voted for the bailout.
Posted in Uncategorized