The Politics of Breast Cancer
February 4, 2012 - by
The guest blog below was sent to me by a TAPster Friday, before the Komen Foundation cried uncle – or aunt. But it’s worth posting today:
Anyone who watched yesterday’s Andrea Mitchell interview with Susan Komen Foundation founder Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker could plainly see a train wreck in slow motion. Not only did Brinker fail to adequately defend Komen’s politically-motivated decision to defund Planned Parenthood, but Andrea Mitchell actually began to stiffen and sneer– visibly moving away from her interview subject. Looks like thousands of women are doing the same thing. Moving away from Big Pink.
In a blow-by-blow of what unfolded yesterday, Livi Leroux Miller describes “the accidental rebranding” of Komen from a breast cancer charity to a pro-life breast cancer charity.
And there, in the nick of time was Michael Bloomberg, whose $250,000 contribution helped match within 24 hours, Planned Parenthood’s entire $680,000 funding loss. Chalk one up for Cecile Richards and reasonable people everywhere.

The Politics of Breast Cancer
February 4, 2012/

The guest blog below was sent to me by a TAPster Friday, before the Komen Foundation cried uncle – or aunt. But it’s worth posting today:
Anyone who watched yesterday’s Andrea Mitchell interview with Susan Komen Foundation founder Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker could plainly see a train wreck in slow motion. Not only did Brinker fail to adequately defend Komen’s politically-motivated decision to defund Planned Parenthood, but Andrea Mitchell actually began to stiffen and sneer– visibly moving away from her interview subject. Looks like thousands of women are doing the same thing. Moving away from Big Pink.
In a blow-by-blow of what unfolded yesterday, Livi Leroux Miller describes “the accidental rebranding” of Komen from a breast cancer charity to a pro-life breast cancer charity.
And there, in the nick of time was Michael Bloomberg, whose $250,000 contribution helped match within 24 hours, Planned Parenthood’s entire $680,000 funding loss. Chalk one up for Cecile Richards and reasonable people everywhere.