The Next Political Tidal Wave?
The Democrats in Washington are thinking long term and they may have found an issue they can ride to victory after they’ve finished milking the war in Iraq.
They’re moving to pass retaliatory trade legislation against China.
For years, free trade has been a sacred cow for both Democrats and Republicans. No one seemed to be concerned about a billion Chinese, who can do anything we can do, and who’ll do it for fifty cents an hour, taking American jobs.
But, now, suddenly, the Democrats have discovered protectionism.
Experts are saying (and the Democrats are listening) that since 2000 – as free trade has boomed – American workers “have seen meager income growth” and that only “a small share of workers at the very high end has enjoyed strong growth in incomes.” (I guess they’re talking about hedge fund managers who invest in China.) And a Princeton economist, who’s a long-time free trade advocate, recently warned “modern technology and trade practices will put at risk as many as 40 million American jobs within a decade or two” (McClatchy Newspapers, 8-4-07).
Forty million jobs. Imagine that. Democrats may have discovered the next political tidal wave.
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The Next Political Tidal Wave?

The Democrats in Washington are thinking long term and they may have found an issue they can ride to victory after they’ve finished milking the war in Iraq.
They’re moving to pass retaliatory trade legislation against China.
For years, free trade has been a sacred cow for both Democrats and Republicans. No one seemed to be concerned about a billion Chinese, who can do anything we can do, and who’ll do it for fifty cents an hour, taking American jobs.
But, now, suddenly, the Democrats have discovered protectionism.
Experts are saying (and the Democrats are listening) that since 2000 – as free trade has boomed – American workers “have seen meager income growth” and that only “a small share of workers at the very high end has enjoyed strong growth in incomes.” (I guess they’re talking about hedge fund managers who invest in China.) And a Princeton economist, who’s a long-time free trade advocate, recently warned “modern technology and trade practices will put at risk as many as 40 million American jobs within a decade or two” (McClatchy Newspapers, 8-4-07).
Forty million jobs. Imagine that. Democrats may have discovered the next political tidal wave.
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