The New Enemy
Whether it was in his blood or whether, like a craft, it was a talent he honed he could walk into a board room and sell one group ‘the greatest deal ever’ in the morning and in the afternoon in another board room he could make the same promise to another group and since he was the only one in both board rooms no one would say, You’ve made that promise twice today.
He was The Master Dealmaker. And his deals made him wealthy. Then putting the board rooms behind him he walked onto a new stage with a line of cameras in the first row.
Angered by a report the Russians had helped him defeat Hillary he mocked the intelligence agencies for leaking fake news – but then a month later, at CIA headquarters, in pursuit of another new deal, with the cameras whirring he said, I love the intelligence agencies.
And the question came back at him like a rocket: Which time were you telling the truth?
The Master Dealmaker stood face to face with a new enemy: The cameras.

The New Enemy

Whether it was in his blood or whether, like a craft, it was a talent he honed he could walk into a board room and sell one group ‘the greatest deal ever’ in the morning and in the afternoon in another board room he could make the same promise to another group and since he was the only one in both board rooms no one would say, You’ve made that promise twice today.
He was The Master Dealmaker. And his deals made him wealthy. Then putting the board rooms behind him he walked onto a new stage with a line of cameras in the first row.
Angered by a report the Russians had helped him defeat Hillary he mocked the intelligence agencies for leaking fake news – but then a month later, at CIA headquarters, in pursuit of another new deal, with the cameras whirring he said, I love the intelligence agencies.
And the question came back at him like a rocket: Which time were you telling the truth?
The Master Dealmaker stood face to face with a new enemy: The cameras.