The Myth of Fred Thompson
I bet Fred Thompson’s presidential prospects are no more real than the TV and movie characters he plays.
He’s done the Dance of the Seven Veils about running for months now. Why doesn’t he get in the race?
My guess is that he’s one of these politicians who wants the office but doesn’t want to work for it.
One thing that marks every successful candidate for President: They’ve got a fire burning inside them. They’d rather run than eat.
You need that drive to survive the Presidential marathon.
I don’t think Thompson’s got it. He’ll either stay out or flame out.
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The Myth of Fred Thompson

I bet Fred Thompson’s presidential prospects are no more real than the TV and movie characters he plays.
He’s done the Dance of the Seven Veils about running for months now. Why doesn’t he get in the race?
My guess is that he’s one of these politicians who wants the office but doesn’t want to work for it.
One thing that marks every successful candidate for President: They’ve got a fire burning inside them. They’d rather run than eat.
You need that drive to survive the Presidential marathon.
I don’t think Thompson’s got it. He’ll either stay out or flame out.
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