The Myth of Al Gore
A cry rises from the Democratic masses: “Run, Al, Run!”
No, don’t, Al. Don’t run.
The only place you can go from here is down. The minute you get in the presidential race, you lose about half the support you have now. Because they’re for Hillary, Obama or Edwards.
The attack machines will start up against you, especially Hillary’s. Look what she’s already done to John Edwards on his house, haircuts, hedge funds and honorariums.
More to the point, Al: Sit down and watch the tapes of yourself being interviewed on Larry King and Jon Stewart. Yes, they threw you softball questions. Yes, the audience and callers urged you to run.
But watch yourself, Al. You haven’t changed. You’re just as stiff and puffed-up and pompous-sounding as ever. You’ll never change. Before long, you’d be sighing again, just like in the debate with George Bush.
You’ve got it good now, Al. You won an Oscar. You may win a Nobel Peace Prize. You’re rolling in dough. You’ve got a good life.
It doesn’t get any better than it is right now, Al. Don’t run.
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The Myth of Al Gore

A cry rises from the Democratic masses: “Run, Al, Run!”
No, don’t, Al. Don’t run.
The only place you can go from here is down. The minute you get in the presidential race, you lose about half the support you have now. Because they’re for Hillary, Obama or Edwards.
The attack machines will start up against you, especially Hillary’s. Look what she’s already done to John Edwards on his house, haircuts, hedge funds and honorariums.
More to the point, Al: Sit down and watch the tapes of yourself being interviewed on Larry King and Jon Stewart. Yes, they threw you softball questions. Yes, the audience and callers urged you to run.
But watch yourself, Al. You haven’t changed. You’re just as stiff and puffed-up and pompous-sounding as ever. You’ll never change. Before long, you’d be sighing again, just like in the debate with George Bush.
You’ve got it good now, Al. You won an Oscar. You may win a Nobel Peace Prize. You’re rolling in dough. You’ve got a good life.
It doesn’t get any better than it is right now, Al. Don’t run.
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