The Money Matters…
August 16, 2012 - by
Guest Tapster blogger Joe Stewart writes:
In the same way my daddy has a saying that manners are not all that matter, but what they do matter matters a lot, the relative financial advantage of one candidate over their opponent, or one party versus their rival, doesn’t make all the difference but the difference it does make makes a big difference.
I know, I know … there are certainly tales of Mr. Smiths coming to Washington, with shoe leather political equity earned going door to door in the threadbarest of grassroots-oriented, volunteer driven efforts, but when it comes the modern techniques of conducting scientific and comprehensive public opinion research, mounting a well-staffed and exhaustive voter contact program, being able to communicate out the right messages to the all important undecided or swing voters, ain’t nothing replaces the value of the good old greenback.
Second quarter campaign finance reports show Pat McCrory with a significant pile of cash in his coffers ($4.4 million) to the bare cabinet of Dalton (just $700,000 on hand), and recent analysis by the NC FreeEnterprise Foundation ( reveal the Republican state House and Senate caucus candidates with comfortable multipliers above their opponents (House GOP with $2.3 million has 1.5 times more than House Dems, and Senate GOP with $3 million has 3.5 times more than Senate Dems). And, the Republican Party as of June 30 had $966,000 on hand to the Democratic Party’s $188,000. Pretty considerable difference.
In terms of resources, the North Carolina Republicans clearly have an advantage in the resource department as we head toward Labor Day and the sprint to Election Day, with all that must be done to motivate base voters and get the swingingest of the swing voters to swing your way – the two things in a campaign that are very hard to accomplish without the necessary cash.
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The Money Matters…
August 16, 2012/

Guest Tapster blogger Joe Stewart writes:
In the same way my daddy has a saying that manners are not all that matter, but what they do matter matters a lot, the relative financial advantage of one candidate over their opponent, or one party versus their rival, doesn’t make all the difference but the difference it does make makes a big difference.
I know, I know … there are certainly tales of Mr. Smiths coming to Washington, with shoe leather political equity earned going door to door in the threadbarest of grassroots-oriented, volunteer driven efforts, but when it comes the modern techniques of conducting scientific and comprehensive public opinion research, mounting a well-staffed and exhaustive voter contact program, being able to communicate out the right messages to the all important undecided or swing voters, ain’t nothing replaces the value of the good old greenback.
Second quarter campaign finance reports show Pat McCrory with a significant pile of cash in his coffers ($4.4 million) to the bare cabinet of Dalton (just $700,000 on hand), and recent analysis by the NC FreeEnterprise Foundation ( reveal the Republican state House and Senate caucus candidates with comfortable multipliers above their opponents (House GOP with $2.3 million has 1.5 times more than House Dems, and Senate GOP with $3 million has 3.5 times more than Senate Dems). And, the Republican Party as of June 30 had $966,000 on hand to the Democratic Party’s $188,000. Pretty considerable difference.
In terms of resources, the North Carolina Republicans clearly have an advantage in the resource department as we head toward Labor Day and the sprint to Election Day, with all that must be done to motivate base voters and get the swingingest of the swing voters to swing your way – the two things in a campaign that are very hard to accomplish without the necessary cash.
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