The Last Word
December 24, 2011 - by
After he read the stories in the News and Observer about the hospital war in Raleigh between Wake Med and UNC Health Care, a retired health care administrator wrote in the newspaper that years ago Mayo Clinic founder William J. Mayo had said, “The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered.”
Then the former administrator added, It sure looks like the elbow throwing in Raleigh has a lot more to do with power and executive egos than patients.
And that’s about as good a last word on Raleigh’s hospital wars as you could ask for.

The Last Word
December 24, 2011/

After he read the stories in the News and Observer about the hospital war in Raleigh between Wake Med and UNC Health Care, a retired health care administrator wrote in the newspaper that years ago Mayo Clinic founder William J. Mayo had said, “The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered.”
Then the former administrator added, It sure looks like the elbow throwing in Raleigh has a lot more to do with power and executive egos than patients.
And that’s about as good a last word on Raleigh’s hospital wars as you could ask for.