The Last Two Candidates?
October 22, 2011 - by
Judging by the Las Vegas debate, the seven guys and the one lady running for President in the Republican Primaries are getting testy.
Right off, with no pleasantries, everyone lit into Herman Cain – which seems to be the paradigm for Republican Presidential campaigns. The pundits and bloggers and Fox News anoint a flavor of the month who roars to the top of the polls – first it was Bachmann, then Perry, now Cain. Then everyone else on the stage takes aim at the new ‘star’ and fires away until the star collapses.
So, in Las Vegas, Herman Cain got clobbered. But, to his credit, he had plenty of fight in him. Everyone on the stage ripped into Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, saying it raises taxes on 84% of the people and Herman stared them down and said, No way, you dummies. Read my plan.
The problem is that doesn’t leave Cain much wiggle room and the truth’s bound to come out and if Perry and Romney and Bachmann and Gingrich and Santorum are right about that 84% ole Herman’s harpooned.
Michele Bachmann’s other adjustment to her lagging poll numbers was subtle: A new hairdo. She still hasn’t managed to look like Margaret Thatcher but she did look less like a top model which is a step in the right direction. And her hammering Cain made sense because if she’s going to pick up votes they have to come out of him.
After the debate the bloggers and pundits and CNN were fawning and cooing over Rick Perry saying he’d showed up at last but, in the end, charging into a debate like an angry gorilla may not be a sound political strategy.
The one thing that’s becoming clearer and clearer with each debate is there are three candidates on the stage who’ve studied and thought and weighed the issues well enough to answer a tough question with more than a platitude: Romney, Gingrich and Ron Paul.
Of course, this is politics where whirl is king and an unexpected error can change all equations but at the end of the day, after a bit of winnowing, it may well be the two candidates still standing on the stage will be Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.
Posted in National Republicans

The Last Two Candidates?
October 22, 2011/

Judging by the Las Vegas debate, the seven guys and the one lady running for President in the Republican Primaries are getting testy.
Right off, with no pleasantries, everyone lit into Herman Cain – which seems to be the paradigm for Republican Presidential campaigns. The pundits and bloggers and Fox News anoint a flavor of the month who roars to the top of the polls – first it was Bachmann, then Perry, now Cain. Then everyone else on the stage takes aim at the new ‘star’ and fires away until the star collapses.
So, in Las Vegas, Herman Cain got clobbered. But, to his credit, he had plenty of fight in him. Everyone on the stage ripped into Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, saying it raises taxes on 84% of the people and Herman stared them down and said, No way, you dummies. Read my plan.
The problem is that doesn’t leave Cain much wiggle room and the truth’s bound to come out and if Perry and Romney and Bachmann and Gingrich and Santorum are right about that 84% ole Herman’s harpooned.
Michele Bachmann’s other adjustment to her lagging poll numbers was subtle: A new hairdo. She still hasn’t managed to look like Margaret Thatcher but she did look less like a top model which is a step in the right direction. And her hammering Cain made sense because if she’s going to pick up votes they have to come out of him.
After the debate the bloggers and pundits and CNN were fawning and cooing over Rick Perry saying he’d showed up at last but, in the end, charging into a debate like an angry gorilla may not be a sound political strategy.
The one thing that’s becoming clearer and clearer with each debate is there are three candidates on the stage who’ve studied and thought and weighed the issues well enough to answer a tough question with more than a platitude: Romney, Gingrich and Ron Paul.
Of course, this is politics where whirl is king and an unexpected error can change all equations but at the end of the day, after a bit of winnowing, it may well be the two candidates still standing on the stage will be Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.
Posted in National Republicans