The Glass Debt Ceiling
August 2, 2011 - by
A TAPster passes along a link raising the question: What if Congress was more than 13 percent women?
A NPR commentator is quoted as saying: “In experiments, when men feel there are lots of other men around, they tend to pose more, they tend to talk tough, they become shortsighted, they take bigger bets. Any of that sound familiar?”
By the way, let’s thank Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords for bringing one ray of courage to the whole sorry spectacle.

The Glass Debt Ceiling
August 2, 2011/

A TAPster passes along a link raising the question: What if Congress was more than 13 percent women?
A NPR commentator is quoted as saying: “In experiments, when men feel there are lots of other men around, they tend to pose more, they tend to talk tough, they become shortsighted, they take bigger bets. Any of that sound familiar?”
By the way, let’s thank Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords for bringing one ray of courage to the whole sorry spectacle.