The Election System is Rigged – Against the Voters
Apparently we Democrats have lost our best hope of beating Congressman Robin Hayes. Iraq war vet Tim Dunn has withdrawn from the field of battle.
So the odds are that – once again – 100 percent of North Carolina’s congressional delegation will return to Washington next year.
Just as – nationally – some 98 percent of incumbent Congressmen will return. And Republicans will probably control both houses – despite a failed war, a flailing President and the Abramoff-Delay scandal.
The picture is just as boring in North Carolina’s legislative races.
Republicans don’t try to pretend they can take control of the Senate. They don’t even sound helpful about gaining two seats and controlling the House.
What’s wrong here?
The answer is bad news for voters. And great news for the politicians.
The politicians – both parties – have come up with a redistricting scam that protects them against messy and uncomfortable fights for reelection. They figure: Why should anyone of my obvious goodness have to stoop to actual campaigning?
The losers are the voters. We’re in effect disenfranchised. No real choice in elections for Congress or the legislature.
Just as Raleigh voters had little real choice in last year’s city elections.
Is this the democracy you want?

The Election System is Rigged – Against the Voters

Apparently we Democrats have lost our best hope of beating Congressman Robin Hayes. Iraq war vet Tim Dunn has withdrawn from the field of battle.
So the odds are that – once again – 100 percent of North Carolina’s congressional delegation will return to Washington next year.
Just as – nationally – some 98 percent of incumbent Congressmen will return. And Republicans will probably control both houses – despite a failed war, a flailing President and the Abramoff-Delay scandal.
The picture is just as boring in North Carolina’s legislative races.
Republicans don’t try to pretend they can take control of the Senate. They don’t even sound helpful about gaining two seats and controlling the House.
What’s wrong here?
The answer is bad news for voters. And great news for the politicians.
The politicians – both parties – have come up with a redistricting scam that protects them against messy and uncomfortable fights for reelection. They figure: Why should anyone of my obvious goodness have to stoop to actual campaigning?
The losers are the voters. We’re in effect disenfranchised. No real choice in elections for Congress or the legislature.
Just as Raleigh voters had little real choice in last year’s city elections.
Is this the democracy you want?