The Edwards Prognosis
Cancer is cruel. Politics is cruel. John and Elizabeth Edwards now must live at the intersection of both.
Much of the reaction to her cancer falls along predictable political lines. Supporters see admirable courage and determination. Opponents see breathtaking ambition and denial.
The most misguided criticism is that John Edwards is pressing ahead because of personal ambition. No, the ambition, drive and determination come from Elizabeth Edwards too.
What do the critics suggest, anyway? That the Edwardses curl up in a ball and quit? Some couples might. Not this one.
Do the same critics suggest that Kay Yow should have quit coaching at
They say the cancer is incurable. It is also capricious. Who knows what toll it will exact on the Edwards campaign?
You don’t have to be a cynic to expect that his opponents – or at least their operatives and supporters – will suggest to undecided Democrats that Edwards’ campaign is not a reliable long-term investment.
Such is the cruelty of politics.
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The Edwards Prognosis

Cancer is cruel. Politics is cruel. John and Elizabeth Edwards now must live at the intersection of both.
Much of the reaction to her cancer falls along predictable political lines. Supporters see admirable courage and determination. Opponents see breathtaking ambition and denial.
The most misguided criticism is that John Edwards is pressing ahead because of personal ambition. No, the ambition, drive and determination come from Elizabeth Edwards too.
What do the critics suggest, anyway? That the Edwardses curl up in a ball and quit? Some couples might. Not this one.
Do the same critics suggest that Kay Yow should have quit coaching at
They say the cancer is incurable. It is also capricious. Who knows what toll it will exact on the Edwards campaign?
You don’t have to be a cynic to expect that his opponents – or at least their operatives and supporters – will suggest to undecided Democrats that Edwards’ campaign is not a reliable long-term investment.
Such is the cruelty of politics.
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